Thanks to various projects, Vila Franca de Xira Municipality, located in the outskirts of Lisbon, does its share for creating a more sustainable world, namely through awareness raising activities for children and youngsters in partnership with its school communities.

Have you ever wondered about where do all those roll-ups and banners, used in the events promoted by your Local Authority, end up? Well, in Vila Franca de Xira, the project “Agulha e Dedal” (Needle and Thimble) transforms them in very resistant, since they are made of PVC canvas, and colourful bags. “Agulha e Dedal” is implemented by Professor Reynaldo dos Santos School Grouping and aims at developing creative sewing’s competencies and activities.

All the participants of the first Walk the Global Walk International Summer School, occured in July 2019, received one of these bags as a present!

Talking about successful projects in Vila Franca de Xira it’s importante to mention “Brigada do Amarelo” (Yellow Brigade), that is already celebrating its 10th birthday. This project realizes separate collection of packagings in all the municipality’s schools aiming at, in retrospect, a weight quantification per capita (kg/student) of the materials that ended up in the yellow recycling bins. In this way, through a comparison among all the schools, the project encourages the improvement of the recycling process involving the schools communities as a whole. “Brigada do Amarelo” is co-financed by Valorsul SA, a company that works for implementing an environmentally and economically sustainable system for solid urban waste treatment and recovery in 19 municipalities of Lisbon and West Portugal Regions. In partnership with Vila Franca de Xira Municipality, Valorsul SA promotes field trips to its facilities and offers domestic recycling bins for the municipality schools’ classrooms. In 2019, thanks to the students’ strong involvement the “Brigada do Amarelo” project collected more than 55 tons of packagings! Next step…reducing the consumption!

In the scope of Walk the Global Walk project in Portugal, many other initiatives are implemented with the support of AIDGLOBAL and Vila Franca de Xira Municipality. Walk with us to find out more!

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