This activity  investigates the changing nature of shopping, from local stores to high street chains and the growth of the internet as an option. It was run in Sofia from students and teachers making a research on local level. 

Where do you buy certain items?
Which shops cost more and why?
How do shopping habit impact on the local area?

You will also look at the impact of these changes on local areas.

You are going to carry out a survey of the shopping habits of family members to investigate where members of your family shop and how often they shop in those places.

Take the Shopping Habits Survey sheet home, you are going to use the sheet to investigate the shopping habits of your family members.

You should write on the sheet information about who you asked and where they shop. An example has been given on the sheet for you. Try to ask a range of family members to get lots of information

Look at your completed survey sheet;

How many people did you ask?

How many different locations did they shop in?

Look at the surveys that your classmates filled in, did they get the same results as you? If they were different, what was different?

Using this information you have performed a debate thinking about the impact of a supermarket being built. 

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